Red Carnations
“Red Carnations” is a favorite painting that was created from a gift of flowers someone gave me. The pink glasses are part of my mother’s antique collection. This would look good on any wall-festive and beautiful.
High Tea
Framed and matted to 15×18 pastels
“High Tea” was painted after seeing his lovely teapot in a store window; I knew it was destined to be part of my teapot collection and I just had to paint it.
Framed in Gold.
Lady in Red
12×16 Oil on Linen
I painted this still life and some how, as if by magic, the flowers painted themselves. Truly one of my favorite paintings. Click on the photo below to see how the painting looks framed.
Rose of Sharon
The Rose of Sharon is double matted to 16×20. This painting pays homage to one of my favorite flowers that grow in my yard. This painting comes with a gold frame and True-vue AR glass. Click on the photo below to see how the painting is framed