Here is another great video, my friends. Daniel Keys is an exceptional young master artist and once again he shares his knowledge of painting with us!
This video shows Daniel painting a yellow rose study. He got me at the yellow rose as they are my favorite flower. I give a way a bouquet of yellow roses to the collector every time i sell a painting.
Daniel starts out telling us what palette, brushes and paints he uses. This is a voice over video which i really like. It gives the artist and the viewer a look at the entire painting from a distance when thinking is clearer and the artist is not so caught up in the painting to be distracted from the painting by talking.
He first lays in the large shapes telling us when to use warm and cool paint and talks about edges. He describes the colors he is using and why. He describes the brushes he is using and why. Flowers are such a complicated thing to paint but Daniel has been painting flowers for a long time and knows their structure. I especially liked the way he explained the background and the leaf colors as well.
A little tip that I can give you is to take notes! The video is too large to download on my iPad so I watched it on my computer and took notes in google docs. I then print these notes and keep them in a binder along with other videos I have watched. I find this has been so helpful when I want to refer to an artist, his palette, his thoughts etc.
Daniel Keys “My Favorite Roses” is very much worth the price. You can find the download on his website at
Sharon A. Morley
October, 2019